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YWell: Productive Disequilibrium

Steve Patty

In this session, we will be looking at how to continue to move forward and develop in your growing edge. We will be starting in an unlikely place: resistance. As much as you need encouragement and the right environment, you also need resistance to help you progress and develop your growing edge.

"Disequilibration is the engine of growth" - Jean Piaget, genetic epistemologist

To be disequilibrated, it means to disrupt the comfort, the status quo, the settle-ness. Sometimes we have to introduce disequilibration into our growing edges in order for us to grow. We don't want to traumatize ourselves but we need to push ourselves, and stretch ourselves in uncomfortable ways in order to grow and develop. This is the engine that helps people grow and develop.

Before the Next Session:

  • Identify one step that pushes you into productive disequilibrium.

While thinking about your growing edge, consider what might push you into productive disequilibrium. Think about one step that makes you feel uncomfortable and may make you exercise courage, vulnerability or be forced to settle yourself despite the chaos around you. Make this step modest (don't traumatize yourself) but see if you can get into the zone of disequilibrium.

Example #1:

Growing Edge: I need to get more comfortable and better at providing constructive feedback.

Productive Disequilibrium Experiments: I will intentionally set aside time to have a coaching conversation with one my employees who's in need of constructive feedback.

Example #2:

Growing Edge: I want to get better at taking personal responsibility and ownership for the advancement of my organization.

Productive Disequilibrium Experiments: I will set a clear a vision of what I want my organization to achieve within a defined period of time. I will clearly state what my role is in making this happen and the help I may need from others. I will communicate this vision/goal with my team and colleagues and I will keep them updated throughout the process.

In partnership with the YMCA of Canada, Dr. Steve Patty is producing a Leadership and Personal Development Series, taking viewers through seven parts on how to grow and nurture your personal leadership. How do you maximize your ability to move forward on the things that really matter in your life? How do you lead yourself? In each of the seven episodes, Dr. Patty will walk you through one key idea and invite you to try an action step.

This page will help you think through these key ideas and action steps in order to get the most out of the series.

Start the Series from the Beginning

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